StartArt Program

We aim to help people reconnect with their childhood self, when we were creative and open to new experiences


Our weekly StartArt Program

We have designed a special weekly agenda that helps our guests feel home and to understand our 4F4C principles that guides everything we do at StartArt:
- Food, Fun, Family, Freedom
- Connection, Collaboration, Culture and Camino

Monday: Connecting with Nature and our history.
As people arrive they have the opportunity to explore the surrounding nature and during the afternoon we will guide you through all the amazing murals that our resident artists have painted. Not only you will understand the different techniques, but also their stories and ideas in each detail.

Tuesday: Connecting with yourself.
Start your day connecting with your body and soul practicing Yoga. After that, in our 'Take out your mask´ workshop you will get in touch with your true self, light and shadow, and will understand why you should be kinder to yourself. Finalize the day sharing your learnings, stories and reflections to others in a mystic 'Night by Bondfire'.

Wednesday: Connecting with our community.
After a meditation at the river, we will go to Braga´s Municipal Market to meet local producers and buy ingredients and food for our kitchen. This is a great opportunity to practice your Portuguese, explore seasonal flavors and take colorful photos.
In our 'Sexy Food' workshop, you will understand all the sustainability and health principles behind the way we cook and eat at StartArt. Also, you will see why a plant-based diet could be so tasty and nutritious.

Thursday: Connecting with your inner child. Play Day.
During morning, you will be guided through an active art-making and creative process in a 'Art Therapy Workshop' that will help you connect with your inner child. After lunch, you will have the opportunity to play in the river (kayak, stand up paddle or swiming) or to build a team and play volleyball.

Friday: Connecting with your artistic self.
Have you ever imagined being producer, director and actor of an horror movie? You will collaborate with other residents to create this short film, learning some video editing techniques, but above all: having fun.

Saturday: Connecting with a bolder version of yourself
Our Open Talent Show day. Prepare your costume and show your talent. At night, our traditional live music performance on our basement.



Enjoy free yoga classes, kayak, stand up paddle, volleyball, basketball and swiming by the river or just take a walk and explore the surrounding nature.
Some of our residents are experienced pilgrims, they will be more than happy helping you plan your camino de Santiago route.


Be a bolder version of yourself

Stay with us and participate in our weekly StartArt Program for free

Guest Reviews

“During my time there, I met amazing creative people who really inspire me to be more artistic and expressive. The meals we shared together were on a professional level of delicious as well as nutritious. I loved these moments of eating and talking together.”

from USA
Guest Reviews

“I really liked the space surrounded by nature and water. The food is delicious, nutritious and sexy, I learned a lot in the time I was there. I painted a mural and I felt very free and supported throughout the process, so the result of my stay was very gratifying.”

from Mexico
Guest Reviews

“Alex and Elton, the cat who sings, and Gervasio, the dog who is always excited, are the best combo. The place is also reaaaally beautiful, the river with the kayak and the paddle surf💆🏻! Special mention to Smurf, the best pizza ever :))) Hope to be back soon. Thanks for everything <3.”

from Spain
Guest Reviews

“he-hey!! Hello everyone, I have been in this wonderful place for two weeks. Are you interested in sensations? 🙂 ok: This is the place where you can make good friends first,This is a place where you can study and relax at the same time,It is a place for cultural mixing,Thanks for everything and see you next year, this time without my grandpa🤣🤣.”

from Georgia
Guest Reviews

“I had an amazing time at Alexandre's house. I really enjoyed being in such a creative and dynamic place where I met wonderful people from all over the world. You can spend your free time relaxing at the river, visiting Braga or Porto, going to the pub or market or staying somewhere in the house or in the garden (we had a disposition lots of games and movies).”

from Italy
Guest Reviews

“I stayed with Alex for almost two weeks and enjoyed the experience so much! The environment he has cultivated in the house is such a lovely mix of creative and compassionate people.”

from Canada
Guest Reviews

“I was given the opportunity to paint a large mural, probably the biggest one I’ve ever painted. It was great to spend time with like minded people, in a conscious and respectful environment. And especially a creative environment, it was so nice to be surrounded by creativity and with people that really respect and champion the arts.”

from France
Guest Reviews

“If someone told me that in one month at the art residency, I will:Paint 13m mural for the first time.  Enjoy working. Fall in love with the people and the country.  Meet people from 10 different countries. Play! ... Be recognized. Appreciated. Inspired. Happy. Bold.Be myself.Maybe I wouldn’t believe it. And maybe you don’t believe it too, but that truly is what you will experience at the residency.Thank you Alex!”

from Serbia
A persona laughing and taking tea.